Sunday, February 21, 2010

Still No Budget Update?

According to Washington Township's award winning official website, the last 2010 municipal budget update was posted on January 12, 2010 or 41 days ago!  This begs the question, what has the committee been doing for the past 41 days?  Why are they withholding details on how our tax dollars are being spent? Are more backroom deals being cooked up like the one that has WT taxpayers picking up a $50,000 tab for a Township Administrator who only works 15 hours per week?

Where is the transparancy Howard Popper promised on his website? The website he took it down as a result of one of my postings?

1 comment:

  1. David,

    What makes you think the "committee seemed on track to achieve their budget goals"? Even without the possibility of a cut in state aid, there currently is a $520K gap to get to the required maximum tax levy increase of 4%. This committee has no clue as to what it is doing. The tax increase as now stands is still over 9%.

    As for the schools, by law they are required to advertise their budget before the school election next month. They have met this requirement in the past and there is no reason to suspect it won't me adhered to this year as well.


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