Friday, April 30, 2010

Another Ken Short "Darkside" Lie!

In yesterday's OT, the following statement is attributed to Mayor Ken Short:
“I know we have done our due diligence,” said Mayor Kenneth Short. “We did it by not just worrying about this year. In the years past, we’ve made some decisions that come back to bite us in the years after. This budget does not do that.” Instead, it leaves 60 percent of the 2009 surplus intact. Short said the committee could have saved an additional $20,000 for every 1 percent additional surplus used. “We’ve been down that road. This puts us in a better position for next year,” he said.
Sounds good doesn't it? Unfortunately it just another one of Ken Short's lies as this year's municipal budget will use 60% of the current surplus as "anticipate revenue", leaving only 40% of the surplus "intact". Why would Ken Short lie about something that could be so easily verified?

Makes you wonder if he is just incompetent or is there some sort of pathology at play?

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